Certified Egoscue Affiliate Therapist
Functional Training & Postural Therapy

John Hoover headshot
John Hoover Vaccination Card

John J Hoover


John has been a Personal Trainer since 2002 where he blends both Functional Training with Postural Therapy.

John had severe knee pain from running and found the Therapy used a (whole body) approach to find the causes of his pain, rather than just looking at the symptom (knee pain). As a result John became pain free and continued his education through the Egoscue University, and is an Affiliate Advanced Exercise Therapist.

If you have chronic pain, or want to improve your overall balance, strength, and coordination, John can help you from start to finish.


John is fully vaccinated and ready to assist you!

John Personalizes the Training to Meet Your Goals!

Keeping your health history, age, and gender in mind, John will design training that will specifically meet your needs. His current clientele range in age from late 30’s to 90+. Each person’s exercise program is adjusted according to their specific challenges and goals.

Training is Geared Toward Balancing the Body as a Whole.
John combines Chronic Pain Management along with restoring proper function, finishing up with strength and flexibility!

John is a Certified Egoscue Affiliate Therapist

The Therapy is designed to eliminate chronic or episodic pain without the use of ergonomic aids (braces, belts,etc.), drugs, or surgery.


Steps Include:


A free consultation where John explains the Method.


An in-depth discussion of pain and how it has affected your life as well as a health history discussion.


Functional Testing and Gait Analysis are also available.


Postural photos, front, back, left, right, are taken, followed by discussion and differential diagnosis.


Information is entered into Postural Therapy software, and a menu of E-cises are presribed based on the client and Therapists input.

We Bring the Equipment To You!

✓ Therapy Tools

✓ Power Blocks

✓ Reebok Coreboard

✓ Bellicon Rebounder

✓ Tubing

✓ Straps

✓ Concept 2 Rower


✓ Sledge Hammers

✓ Flooring

✓ And More…

Personalized service brought to your home or office.


John will meet you at an agreed upon time or on a recurring schedule


Proudly serving everybody from Vista to Del Mar, California.


Injuries that cause pain or limit abilities such as Range of Motion, along with Pathologies including, but not limited to:

✓ Scoliosis

✓ Stenosis

✓ Disk issues

All Joint and Muscular challenges, are NOT a reason to stop moving.

In fact they are the very reason you need to keep moving. But the motion must be in keeping with the Body’s Design. In other words Proper Motion.

Let your challenges be your motivation to keep moving forward. Remember that with any exercise you are reaching for Balance, and Functional strength, front to back and side to side. When you get to that point, then you can begin to push harder for sports or goal specific challenges.

John can guide you with years of wisdom and experience with other clients, and using the same techniques he uses on himself!

At home workout with personal trainer
At home workout with personal trainer


Injuries that cause pain or limit abilities such as Range of Motion, along with Pathologies including, but not limited to:

✓ Scoliosis

✓ Stenosis

✓ Disk issues

All Joint and Muscular challenges, are NOT a reason to stop moving.

In fact they are the very reason you need to keep moving. But the motion must be in keeping with the Body’s Design. In other words Proper Motion.

Let your challenges be your motivation to keep moving forward. Remember that with any exercise you are reaching for Balance, and Functional strength, front to back and side to side. When you get to that point, then you can begin to push harder for sports or goal specific challenges.

John can guide you with years of wisdom and experience with other clients, and using the same techniques he uses on himself!

Message John